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You are on the beach, looking in the direction of the green arrow. You are near the base of the cliff as shown by the blue arrow.

You are standing on large sandstone slabs that form a resistant bench at the base of the cliff. The slabs at your feet appear different from the cliff wall directly in front of you. There is a funny little yellow layer in the cliff face in front of you.

Cretaceous Sediments

From here you can:
Go Southwest down the beach to Section 65.
Enter the gully to your left.
Look up at the sediments above this.
Back up and look at the whole cliff here at Section 20.
jbg sect 20 beach jbg section 65 beach chukchi sea up gully at jbg65 up gully at jbg 20 tuap and karmuk at jbg 65 karmuk at jbg 20 Cretaceous Nualvik tuap karmuk fines peat

Sources: See beginning of trip.
Part of the Athro, Limited web site.
Copyright © 1998, 2000 Athro, Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Paul J. Morris
Maintained by Athro Limited
Date Created: 10 Apr 1998
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2000